Olympia 2045: Comprehensive Plan Update

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What’s happening?

Every 10 years, the City is required by State law to review and update its Comprehensive Plan. This update will look out to year 2045 to show, among other things, how the City will accommodate new population and employment growth.

It is also an opportunity to make sure the Plan and Development Regulations meet current state requirements that have changed since the last major update of the Plan, and that the plan reflects our community.

The deadline to complete this update has been extended until December 31, 2025.

What is the Comprehensive Plan?

Olympia’s Comprehensive Plan describes the community's long-term vision and goals, looking twenty years into the future. It covers issues like housing, land use, transportation, parks and open spaces, utilities and public safety services, and the economy. It also reflects community values around things like public participation, climate change, and diversity and equity issues.

The Plan also helps to inform our partners, like transit providers and school districts, with information to help coordinate provision of services for all of us.

The Plan covers the City Limits and the Urban Growth Area (map).

How does it affect our actions?

The Comprehensive Plan is used in several meaningful ways. It provides a shared vision of our future the public and City can work to achieve. It informs the City’s Master Plans about where growth will occur and at which intensities, so utility and infrastructure improvements are sized for the anticipated need. It provides the policy direction for city programs and budgets.

How is it organized?

The Olympia 2045 Comprehensive Plan will be organized into the following chapters:

  • Community Values & Vision
  • Public Participation & Partners
  • Natural Environment
  • Land Use & Urban Design
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Climate Action & Resilience
  • Parks, Arts and Recreation
  • Utilities
  • Economy
  • Public Safety
  • Capital Facilities

Some issues, such as equity and health will be addressed throughout the plan.

How to get involved

Each chapter of the Comprehensive Plan is being updated individually, with its own public participation process and opportunities to provide feedback. Click through to the individual pages below to learn more about each chapter, how it is being updated and how you can get involved in the update process.

We encourage people to send an email to olympia2045@ci.olympia.wa.us asking to become a Party of Record to receive periodic email updates and notices of public hearings.

You can also subscribe to our "Planning & Development" E-news group and check these pages for the latest information.

The multi-year public process kicked off with an informational webinar on May 10, 2023. You can watch the recording on the right side of this page.

Open House

An open house was held on July 31 for people to come and learn more about the update and to share their ideas and comments. A summary of the comments received will be shared here soon.

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Scoping Comments

An opportunity for people to comment on potential environmental impacts of accommodating future growth was open between February 23 and March 25. A summary of the comments received and staff responses is included below.

What’s happening?

Every 10 years, the City is required by State law to review and update its Comprehensive Plan. This update will look out to year 2045 to show, among other things, how the City will accommodate new population and employment growth.

It is also an opportunity to make sure the Plan and Development Regulations meet current state requirements that have changed since the last major update of the Plan, and that the plan reflects our community.

The deadline to complete this update has been extended until December 31, 2025.

What is the Comprehensive Plan?

Olympia’s Comprehensive Plan describes the community's long-term vision and goals, looking twenty years into the future. It covers issues like housing, land use, transportation, parks and open spaces, utilities and public safety services, and the economy. It also reflects community values around things like public participation, climate change, and diversity and equity issues.

The Plan also helps to inform our partners, like transit providers and school districts, with information to help coordinate provision of services for all of us.

The Plan covers the City Limits and the Urban Growth Area (map).

How does it affect our actions?

The Comprehensive Plan is used in several meaningful ways. It provides a shared vision of our future the public and City can work to achieve. It informs the City’s Master Plans about where growth will occur and at which intensities, so utility and infrastructure improvements are sized for the anticipated need. It provides the policy direction for city programs and budgets.

How is it organized?

The Olympia 2045 Comprehensive Plan will be organized into the following chapters:

  • Community Values & Vision
  • Public Participation & Partners
  • Natural Environment
  • Land Use & Urban Design
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Climate Action & Resilience
  • Parks, Arts and Recreation
  • Utilities
  • Economy
  • Public Safety
  • Capital Facilities

Some issues, such as equity and health will be addressed throughout the plan.

How to get involved

Each chapter of the Comprehensive Plan is being updated individually, with its own public participation process and opportunities to provide feedback. Click through to the individual pages below to learn more about each chapter, how it is being updated and how you can get involved in the update process.

We encourage people to send an email to olympia2045@ci.olympia.wa.us asking to become a Party of Record to receive periodic email updates and notices of public hearings.

You can also subscribe to our "Planning & Development" E-news group and check these pages for the latest information.

The multi-year public process kicked off with an informational webinar on May 10, 2023. You can watch the recording on the right side of this page.

Open House

An open house was held on July 31 for people to come and learn more about the update and to share their ideas and comments. A summary of the comments received will be shared here soon.

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Scoping Comments

An opportunity for people to comment on potential environmental impacts of accommodating future growth was open between February 23 and March 25. A summary of the comments received and staff responses is included below.

  • Community Values & Vision

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    The Community Values & Vision chapter captures the aspirations our community holds for the future of Olympia, based on shared values. For each of the Plan’s existing chapters, there is a statement about what we value related to that topic. Next, a vision statement of what the future of Olympia will be like is provided. This chapter helps shape the entirety of the Comprehensive Plan

    Go to the Community Values & Vision chapter

  • Public Participation & Partners

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    The Public Participation & Partners chapter provides guidance for outreach and engagement of the community in a meaningful, inclusive, and equitable way. The voices of residents, local business owners and organizations provide the perspective and information that are absolutely essential to effective planning and decision-making regarding issues that will shape our community for generations to come.

    Go to the Public Participation & Partners chapter

  • Natural Environment

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    The Natural Environment chapter addresses the many benefits we receive from a thriving natural environment and the ways we can work together to keep it healthy. From community-based habitat stewardship opportunities to regulations protecting critical areas from the impacts of development, the goals and policies outlined in this chapter aim to promote both human well-being and environmental health.

    Go to the Natural Environment chapter

  • Climate Action & Resilience

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    The chapter will address both climate mitigation (the reduction of greenhouse gases) and resiliency (the ability to adapt to our changing climate). The chapter will be designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled, improve climate preparedness, response, and recovery efforts to enhance resiliency and avoid the adverse impacts of climate change, and prioritize environmental justice and avoid creating or worsening localized climate impacts to vulnerable populations and overburdened communities.

    Go to the Climate Actions & Resilience chapter

  • Land Use & Urban Design

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    The Land Use & Urban Design chapter discusses patterns of development, neighborhoods, historic preservation, the built environment, Downtown, transitioning to a more urban community with vibrancy and destinations within walking distances of most residences, and connections to nature, food production, and transportation networks.

    Go to the Land Use & Urban Design chapter

  • Housing

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    The Housing chapter provides policies and guidance for addressing the housing shortage in the community. The chapter addresses multiple aspects of housing such as:: existing housing conditions; supply; affordability; population growth; and planning for future residents of Olympia.

    Go to the Housing chapter

  • Transportation

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    The Transportation chapter will address how we’ll keep people moving even as we experience population growth over the next 20 years. It will incorporate many of the changes and feedback we heard while creating the Transportation Master Plan, which was adopted in 2021. We anticipate that the current vision of “complete streets that move people, not just cars,” will continue to guide the overarching policy structure of the chapter.

    Go to the Transportation chapter

  • Parks, Arts and Recreation

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    The Parks, Arts and Recreation chapter sets goals and policies to ensure that the City is meeting the needs of the community equitably when it comes to leisure and recreational activities, vibrant public arts and events, and stewardship of the natural environment. These services build community, improve individual health and support the local economy.

    Go to the Arts, Parks & Recreation chapter

  • Utilities

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    The Utilities chapter of the City’s Comprehensive Plan covers both city-owned and privately run utilities. City-owned utilities include Drinking Water, Wastewater, Storm and Surface Water, and Waste ReSources (garbage and recycling). Coordination with private utilities ensures that customers receive safe and reliable service at reasonable rates.

    Go to the Utilities chapter

  • Economy

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    The Economy chapter is our roadmap to a healthy, inclusive and sustainable economy. Its goals and policies will guide City programs, partnerships and investments that will foster positive economic conditions for all. Topics include inclusive education and workforce pathways, business and entrepreneurial support, the creative economy, tourism and other conditions that foster community pride and investment.

    Go to the Economy chapter

Page last updated: 03 Dec 2024, 03:41 PM