Olympia 2045: Parks, Arts & Recreation

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What’s happening?

Every 10 years, the City is required by State law to review and update its Comprehensive Plan. This update will look out to year 2045 to show, among other things, how the City will accommodate new population and employment growth. It is also an opportunity to make sure the Plan and Development Regulations meet current state requirements that may have changed since the last major update of the Plan.

Each chapter of the Comprehensive Plan will be updated individually, with its own public participation process and opportunities to provide feedback.

This page is for the Parks, Arts and Recreation chapter update. To learn more about the general update process or other chapters, visit our Comprehensive Plan Update home page.

What does the Parks, Arts and Recreation chapter address?

The Parks, Arts and Recreation chapter sets goals and policies to ensure that the City is meeting the needs of the community equitably when it comes to leisure and recreational activities, vibrant public arts and events, and stewardship of the natural environment. These services build community, improve individual health and support the local economy.

What recent plans/work influence this update?

The goals and policies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan are a key component to decision-making as part of the long-range planning process for the Parks, Arts and Recreation Department. The Parks, Arts and Recreation Plan(External link), adopted in February 2022, is a long-range planning living document based on these goals and policies. It serves as a guide for the phased development and enhancement of Olympia’s park system.

The Plan takes inventory of the park system, recreation facilities and art program plans at the time it was authored, and charts a course for the next six years based on public input, levels of service and funding. In addition to the capital investment strategy, the 2022 Plan includes new goals for increasing equity, inclusion and belonging in our parks and services, and commits the Department to pursuing climate mitigation and adaptation goals.

What’s happening?

Every 10 years, the City is required by State law to review and update its Comprehensive Plan. This update will look out to year 2045 to show, among other things, how the City will accommodate new population and employment growth. It is also an opportunity to make sure the Plan and Development Regulations meet current state requirements that may have changed since the last major update of the Plan.

Each chapter of the Comprehensive Plan will be updated individually, with its own public participation process and opportunities to provide feedback.

This page is for the Parks, Arts and Recreation chapter update. To learn more about the general update process or other chapters, visit our Comprehensive Plan Update home page.

What does the Parks, Arts and Recreation chapter address?

The Parks, Arts and Recreation chapter sets goals and policies to ensure that the City is meeting the needs of the community equitably when it comes to leisure and recreational activities, vibrant public arts and events, and stewardship of the natural environment. These services build community, improve individual health and support the local economy.

What recent plans/work influence this update?

The goals and policies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan are a key component to decision-making as part of the long-range planning process for the Parks, Arts and Recreation Department. The Parks, Arts and Recreation Plan(External link), adopted in February 2022, is a long-range planning living document based on these goals and policies. It serves as a guide for the phased development and enhancement of Olympia’s park system.

The Plan takes inventory of the park system, recreation facilities and art program plans at the time it was authored, and charts a course for the next six years based on public input, levels of service and funding. In addition to the capital investment strategy, the 2022 Plan includes new goals for increasing equity, inclusion and belonging in our parks and services, and commits the Department to pursuing climate mitigation and adaptation goals.

  • Draft Parks, Arts & Recreation chapter now available!

    Share Draft Parks, Arts & Recreation chapter now available! on Facebook Share Draft Parks, Arts & Recreation chapter now available! on Twitter Share Draft Parks, Arts & Recreation chapter now available! on Linkedin Email Draft Parks, Arts & Recreation chapter now available! link
    30 Oct 2023

    All of the feedback we received from the public has been used to draft revisions to the Parks, Arts & Recreation chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. Two versions are available to review: A “clean” copy, which includes the full text as proposed, and a “track changes” copy, which shows new proposed text in underline and text proposed to be deleted in strikethrough.

  • Survey results available!

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    29 Aug 2023

    See the results from the initial input survey that closed on August 6, 2023.

Page last updated: 03 Dec 2024, 04:17 PM