Olympia 2045: Capital Facilities Plan

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What’s happening?

Every 10 years, the City is required by State law to review and update its Comprehensive Plan. This update will look out to year 2045 to show, among other things, how the City will accommodate new population and employment growth. It is also an opportunity to make sure the Plan and Development Regulations meet current state requirements that may have changed since the last major update of the Plan.

Each chapter of the Comprehensive Plan will be updated individually, with its own public participation process and opportunities to provide feedback.

This page is for the Capital Facilities Plan chapter update. To learn more about the general update process or other chapters, visit our Comprehensive Plan Update home page.

What does the Capital Facilities Plan chapter address?

The Capital Facilities Plan is the place where what is needed over the next 20 years to implement the Comprehensive Plan is shown. It is a plan that shows what is needed, how much it is likely to cost, and how the City intends to pay for the improvements. Much of the detail is in the associated master plans, all of which are to be consistent with each other and designed to implement the Future Land Use Map and community vision.

How to get involved

Review and Comment on the first draft (review links below) by October 24, 2024. Comments or questions can be submitted to Joyce Phillips at jphillip@ci.olympia.wa.us(External link) or olympia2045@ci.olympia.wa.us(External link).

Staff anticipates an updated draft will be proposed prior to the public hearing (not yet scheduled) in response to comments received.

What’s happening?

Every 10 years, the City is required by State law to review and update its Comprehensive Plan. This update will look out to year 2045 to show, among other things, how the City will accommodate new population and employment growth. It is also an opportunity to make sure the Plan and Development Regulations meet current state requirements that may have changed since the last major update of the Plan.

Each chapter of the Comprehensive Plan will be updated individually, with its own public participation process and opportunities to provide feedback.

This page is for the Capital Facilities Plan chapter update. To learn more about the general update process or other chapters, visit our Comprehensive Plan Update home page.

What does the Capital Facilities Plan chapter address?

The Capital Facilities Plan is the place where what is needed over the next 20 years to implement the Comprehensive Plan is shown. It is a plan that shows what is needed, how much it is likely to cost, and how the City intends to pay for the improvements. Much of the detail is in the associated master plans, all of which are to be consistent with each other and designed to implement the Future Land Use Map and community vision.

How to get involved

Review and Comment on the first draft (review links below) by October 24, 2024. Comments or questions can be submitted to Joyce Phillips at jphillip@ci.olympia.wa.us(External link) or olympia2045@ci.olympia.wa.us(External link).

Staff anticipates an updated draft will be proposed prior to the public hearing (not yet scheduled) in response to comments received.

Page last updated: 25 Sep 2024, 04:45 PM