Help name these future parks & facilities

Official names forthcoming for three important Parks facilities
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) will host a public hearing on October 17, 2024 at 6 p.m. at the Olympia Armory (515 Eastside St SE, Olympia) to review and gather public comment on name submissions that were gathered throughout September 2024. PRAC will make recommendations for the Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation Department to present to the City Council, who will make a final selection.
Naming criteria
If suggesting a name, please review the criteria below to help ensure it will be given consideration (from Olympia Municipal Code 12.62.050):
In naming parks and other park facilities, consideration shall be given primarily to:
Neighborhood, boundary roads, or common usage identification;
A natural or geographic feature;
Significant historical events or cultural attributes;
A historical figure;
A name chosen by an individual (living or deceased) who has made a significant land and/or monetary contribution to the park system;
An individual who has contributed outstanding civic service to the City or has been instrumental in acquiring or developing parks properties and who has been deceased for a period of at least one year;
Organizations having contributed to and influenced the betterment of the City.
Parks and park facilities shall not ordinarily be named for living persons unless they have stipulated the name as a condition of donation or unless the park or park facility is part of a regional facility that is named in conjunction with other governmental entities.
Additional considerations
The following considerations align with the City of Olympia Parks, Arts & Recreation Department’s Equity Inclusion and Belonging vision of fostering an inclusive, joyful, and affirming environment that supports the creation of a healthy, resilient, and vibrant community. We encourage the community to suggest and support names that promote a sense of belonging. The examples provided are not criteria for final selection; the Olympia Municipal Code (12.62.050) remains the primary guideline for the review committee.
Could the proposed name cause harm to any particular group, person, or demographic?
Does the name reflect the community living in close proximity to the park or facility?
Does the name highlight or educate about a notable person, geographical feature, or natural element present in or near the park or facility?
Does the name reflect historical Indigenous place names?
Are culturally symbolic terms used?
Does the name honor the legacy of individuals, particularly those who have made significant cultural contributions?
Does the name have cultural or social significance?
Thank you for your continued participation in the development of these important community priorities.