S.H.A.R.E. Accelerator

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What’s Happening?

The Safe Housing and Rental Efficiency (SHARE) Accelerator is an upcoming City of Olympia program, developed through a partnership with Olympia Community Solar (OCS), that aims to connect owners of affordable rental housing within city limits to funding, information, and resources that will streamline energy efficiency as well as health and safety retrofits for their properties. This program will be completely voluntary.

Learn more under the "Program information" tab below.

City staff and OCS are currently designing the program with a goal of launching a pilot for twenty rental units in mid- to late- 2025.

The SHARE Accelerator team has drafted a list of proposed rental unit improvements required to participate in the program, informed by a local building stock analysis and a health and safety gap assessment. We want to hear from tenants on your priorities for rental housing improvements, as well as general program design.

Tell us what you think!

The S.H.A.R.E. Accelerator survey closed Tuesday, February 11. If you would like to provide additional feedback about the proposed scope of upgrades linked above, please email Dominic Jones at djones@ci.olympia.wa.us(External link).

What’s Happening?

The Safe Housing and Rental Efficiency (SHARE) Accelerator is an upcoming City of Olympia program, developed through a partnership with Olympia Community Solar (OCS), that aims to connect owners of affordable rental housing within city limits to funding, information, and resources that will streamline energy efficiency as well as health and safety retrofits for their properties. This program will be completely voluntary.

Learn more under the "Program information" tab below.

City staff and OCS are currently designing the program with a goal of launching a pilot for twenty rental units in mid- to late- 2025.

The SHARE Accelerator team has drafted a list of proposed rental unit improvements required to participate in the program, informed by a local building stock analysis and a health and safety gap assessment. We want to hear from tenants on your priorities for rental housing improvements, as well as general program design.

Tell us what you think!

The S.H.A.R.E. Accelerator survey closed Tuesday, February 11. If you would like to provide additional feedback about the proposed scope of upgrades linked above, please email Dominic Jones at djones@ci.olympia.wa.us(External link).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 12 Feb 2025, 09:18 AM