Eight anchor partners selected!

05 Feb 2024

Selection Committee for Anchor Partners at the Armory Creative Campus identifies Eight Organizations to offer Anchor Partnership

The City of Olympia has offered eight community arts non-profits (Anchor Partner) with a strong track record in community arts education and training to enter contract negotiations to become Anchor Partners in the Armory Creative Campus Building and relocate their operations to the site with a long-term lease. These eight organizations applied to be considered through a Request for Qualifications and were selected by a community representative committee.

Organizations selected include:

  1. The Bridge Music Project
  2. Capital City Pride
  3. Community Print
  4. Kokua Services /Hummingbird Studio
  5. Olympia Film Collective
  6. Olympia Lamplighters
  7. PARC Foundation
  8. TC Media

The working vision of the Armory Creative Campus has four key components that Anchor Partner(s) will play a major role in helping the City achieve:

Community Life

Create unifying community culture through shared arts and cultural experiences.

  • Space for gatherings, traditions, and events
  • Arts classes and creative experiences for the whole community
  • Preservation of historic building for sense of place and community continuity.

Operating from an Equity Framework

The City operates from a social justice framework to work towards equity through accessibility and inclusion in partnership with community members

  • Bridge barriers to access—financial, geographic, cultural
  • Adapt to emerging needs of underserved groups and individuals
  • Provide affordable artist live/work space

Connecting People, Ideas, and Place

Art breathes life into the places we live, helps promote a sense of belonging, and encourages shared understandings between diverse people and ideas.

  • Community led public art projects & initiatives
  • Culture of belonging & inclusivity
  • Growth through partnerships
  • Hub for growth and Creative District cultural anchor

Growth Through Creativity and Innovation

Create opportunities for individuals, organizations and the economy.

  • Innovative programs in traditional & emerging forms
  • Skill building, workforce development and access to specialized equipment
  • Organization Incubator

What’s Next?

Selected organizations will enter into contract negotiations with the City of Olympia to enter into a lease agreement for different areas in the Armory Creative Campus with the intention to move in for the Armory Creative Campus grand opening currently slated for 2026.

The Armory building is currently closed for construction to complete essential life/safety and accessibility upgrades that will make the Armory building a safe, accessible, and functional space that will transform into a community arts center. The selected Anchor Partner organizations will work with the City of Olympia and Ameresco, the contractor for construction, to help inform the design and construction process for the upgrades over the next two years.

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